A dança das cadeiras no São Paulo continua: com a saída de Pinotti e a mudança de disponibilidade de Márcio Aith, atual diretor executivo de marketing do São Paulo, que deve trabalhar na candidatura à presidência de Geraldo Alckmin, o levará ao Conselho de Administração no lugar de Raí, que assumiu o Futebol.

Com a saída de Marcio Aith, fica vaga a Diretoria de Marketing e com isso, como noticiou o Blog do São Paulo no último sábado, o atual gerente, Edson Lapolla procura o substituto com notório saber e conhecimento finalmente para uma função prevista em estatuto.

O Estadão hoje, noticiou que o principal nome para a vaga é Fernando Fleury e estas formalizações nas mudanças na estrutura diretiva do São Paulo serão discutidas na noite nesta segunda-feira, em reunião do Conselho de Administração, no estádio do Morumbi.

O Blog do São Paulo contatou Fernando Fleury que informou ter sido procurado por alguns diretores informalmente, mas que não é momento de comentar nada a respeito. 

Veja o currículo de Fernando no Linkedin: 

“I am Doctor of Science (Latin: Scientiae Doctor) with focus in Sport Management. I founded in 2004 the Market INSights Company and nowadays I have also work on various cases and projects with different sports industry organizations with a consultant. These include the Corinthians, Ponde Preta, Arena Corinthians, Maracanã Arena, BDO Brasil, Bom Senso F.C., ABRESE, BrSM, ESPN Brasil and other importants clients.

I am also the Marketing Director of Brazilian Confederation of American Football serving in this role since 2015.

I have been involved in Executive Education as a faculty member with different Universities since 2005.

I am currently involved as a visiting scholar at University of Massachusetts Amherst with professor Brashear and the research focus on Loyalty Program.

I have been a speaker and panelist at various conferences, symposia and professional seminars. I have been interviewed on sports marketing, consumer behavior and sponsorship in sport issues for various international, national and local media outlets.

Currently, I work at sport research and my interests are loyalty, consumer loyalty, consumer behavior, behavior attitude, sport brand, sponsorship and ambush marketing.”

-> Marketing Director

Nome da empresaConfederação Brasileira de Futebol Americano

Períodofev de 2015 – o momento

Duração do emprego 2 anos 11 meses


Manage CBFA products and brand, including to strategy, property identification, negotiations with sponsor and event activations for the Brazilian American Football Championship and the Brazilian Team. Manage the sponsorship portfolio and sports marketing initiatives for a CBFA and help to develop and execute client’s sponsorship portfolio.

Manage creative development, event activation and subsequent budget to championships and to brazilian team brand. Interface with advertising, online, social media, PR and direct marketing agencies to implement the marketing action.

 -> Independent Sport Marketing and Sport Management Consultant

Nome da empresaSelf Employed

Períodoago de 2006 – o momento

Duração do emprego 11 anos 5 meses

LocalidadeBrazil and US

Consultancy to clubs, sponsors, agencies and investors in sports.

Experience in sport marketing projects, sponsorship, branding, and consumer behavior. Including to strategy, property identification, event activations and experience on both client and agency side of the industry.

-> Visiting Scholar

Nome da empresaUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst

Períodoout de 2014 – o momento

Duração do emprego 3 anos 3 meses


-> Blogger

Nome da empresaESPN Brasil

Período2007 – o momento

Duração do emprego 10 anos


The focus of this blog is a SPort Management. It was one of the first blog in Brazil to analysis of Sport from the perspective of business.

Formação acadêmica

Blog do São Paulo